Westie Dog Breeder Info Page
Welch's Jolly Westies is owned by Lisa and Robert. We started with a dog for the family from a shelter named Po, who is a Cocker Spaniel and Pekingese mix. From there we thought we would like to get a companion dog for Po, and after looking at different breeds decided that Westies would be our first choice. We started with two boys who were from the same litter, Larry and Curley (yes, named after the Stooges).
Since we weren't planning on breeding at that time, they were taken in as pets only, both are fixed. They are loving dogs, and gave Po the kind of company we were hoping for. Of course we fell completely in love with them.. |
After awhile the idea came up for us to breed dogs. Lisa has a strong background in both breeding dogs and in medicine. She had learned breeding at an early age from an uncle, and had bred Chihuahuas years prior. She did long research on the genetics and attributes of Westies specifically, and developed her ideas of how to work toward matching the dogs for producing the best examples of the breed.
The name Welch's Jolly Westies comes from Robert's Aunt Helene, who always had a Westie dog named Jolly. There were several Jolly's though out the years, all of them a big part of the family. Helene had recently passed away, so the name is a tribute to an amazing lady who was very dear to both Lisa and Robert. We were looking for the right dogs to start with. Originally, we planned to get one female and just start with her doing AI (artificial insemination) with a local vet who specializes in AI. However, a breeder that Lisa contacted had two very special dogs who were being bred for the last time, soon to be retired. We knew this was our chance to get a dog who would be one we could start a foundation line with, a first pick male with stellar attributes and linage. We decided to get him and named him Julio (or as we affectionately call him, Pokey). At first, Larry and Curley weren't sure what to think of this little white thing running around the house. But on the second night, Curley realized it was a dog just like him, and he became a surrogate papa for Pokey. They became inseparable, and with Larry and Po they formed a pack. Then came time to look for a girl, we found Roxanne (Roxie), who was immediately loved by the other dogs and has outstanding traits. Then we found another female, Cecilia, and she proved to be quite special indeed. We currently have dogs we are breeding who have descended from these original foundation building dogs, who are all now retired. Pokey & Cecilia are now in loving homes, and Roxie has remained at home with us, where she is the matriarch looking over and protecting all the new litters. Please check our Available Puppies page for current info on breeding status, and follow us on Facebook for up to date photos and information. |
A Word on Health Testing Dogs
There’s a bit of “tom foolery” going on out there over genetic health testing. This is to help you navigate the waters on the subject, so that you can make the best choice for your new westie pup from a breeder that is doing all they can to ensure the health of your puppy for a lifetime. Genetic health testing is no laughing matter. It is our considered opinion that no dog should ever be bred without proper genetic health testing first—and we sure aren’t talking about the testing required by the AKC, which does no more than identify parentage. Don’t be one fooled with fancy footwork in slick worded advertising—either the dogs are properly genetic health tested, or my advice is…run.
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(See the PDF Download File Below for more in depth information and discussion on this topic)

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